Thursday, August 16, 2007

Hello All,

G'day, my name is Matt Wohling and this is my first attempt at a blog. I am in my final year of a Bachelor of Arts at Flinders, which I plan to follow with studies in education. I chose to do this topic as part of a major study in Digital Media, with the hope that I will gain valuable skills in not only using digital media, but also in passing these skills on to students in the future.

Originally from Kimba, a small town on the Eyre Peninsula, I moved to Adelaide in 1996 to pursue many personal goals, the most important of which was to have an extremely good time. Having achieved this and little else by 2002, I moved back to Port Lincoln and got a "real job" as a brick paver and landscaper. Doing this trade taught me several valuable lessons, most notably; paving and landscaping is extremely hard work and little or no fun at all. Armed with this new knowledge I returned to Adelaide to complete my studies in music at the elder conservatorium in 2005, only to find that our current government would much prefer me to remain as a brick paver and landscaper. Massive cuts to Arts funding had sadly left the Elder Con a cold, stale and miserable place to be, and with the prospect of completing my music studies about as attractive as laying one more brick on a rich fisherman's driveway, I decided to seek other options. Finally, I enrolled in a bachelor of Arts at Flinders, where I could get credit for my previous studies (nice to know thousands of dollars in HECS is worth something somewhere), and which I could complete in two years. Mum will be proud!

You (or more accurately, I) can access my edflin wiki page by clicking here.