Thursday, August 16, 2007

Hello All,

G'day, my name is Matt Wohling and this is my first attempt at a blog. I am in my final year of a Bachelor of Arts at Flinders, which I plan to follow with studies in education. I chose to do this topic as part of a major study in Digital Media, with the hope that I will gain valuable skills in not only using digital media, but also in passing these skills on to students in the future.

Originally from Kimba, a small town on the Eyre Peninsula, I moved to Adelaide in 1996 to pursue many personal goals, the most important of which was to have an extremely good time. Having achieved this and little else by 2002, I moved back to Port Lincoln and got a "real job" as a brick paver and landscaper. Doing this trade taught me several valuable lessons, most notably; paving and landscaping is extremely hard work and little or no fun at all. Armed with this new knowledge I returned to Adelaide to complete my studies in music at the elder conservatorium in 2005, only to find that our current government would much prefer me to remain as a brick paver and landscaper. Massive cuts to Arts funding had sadly left the Elder Con a cold, stale and miserable place to be, and with the prospect of completing my music studies about as attractive as laying one more brick on a rich fisherman's driveway, I decided to seek other options. Finally, I enrolled in a bachelor of Arts at Flinders, where I could get credit for my previous studies (nice to know thousands of dollars in HECS is worth something somewhere), and which I could complete in two years. Mum will be proud!

You (or more accurately, I) can access my edflin wiki page by clicking here.


John Travers said...

Very entertaining and interesting story Matt. So that makes you well qualified in music, bricklaying and writing. Maybe there is a future in teaching instrumental music to a full class of students in the offing? Look forward to more pithy observations.

Ying Xu said...
